
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Turntable Remixed

The ever cool design team at IDEO have created a new way to enjoy music with a nod to the past. The c60 redux is built to look like a vinyl turntable, but works like a sonar-- picking up on RFID tags that are stored in paper cards. Each card, or tag, corresponds to a song. Throw them on the player and boom, your song plays. Depending on how you stack and arrange the cards, the c60 plays your songs in order allowing you to create a mixtape instantly, no tape deck or time machine required!

IDEO is not planning on selling the device to the masses, but at least they're thinking of ways to keep the human touch in music. Got to love it.

Check out the video, they do a much better job of explaining than I do!

c60 Redux from IDEO on Vimeo.

All IDEO needs now is some music consultation. C'mon guys, we should be playing something with a little more soul! 

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