
Friday, October 15, 2010

Wandering Musical Streets

Last night I found myself with nothing to do, nowhere to be, and no idea what to think of it. In the pell-mell bustle of New York City, that can be a rarity, and if used well a treat. So after staring at a halfblock line for what i thought was a frozen yogurt cart (it ended up being for an American Apparel job call, kinda the same thing?), I decided to wander.

Twenty something blocks, a few avenues, and a cumin lamb burger later (so greasily delicious, check out if you havent already), I found myself at Bowery Electric. The Postelles were headlining, it was happy hour, so I got myself a drink and started bobbing my head to a band I had never heard of before. Essentially, I decided to start my CMJ a week early.

The band I stumbled upon was Jangula -- a young, indie-rocktronica group out of Brooklyn fronted by lead singer Johnny Campagna, a dead ringer for a mustachioed hipster Jimmy Fallon, playing a Suzuki QChord. If that wasn't enough to capture my intrigue, Jangula caught my aural attention by covering The Ronettes' classic "Be My Baby." Although the cover was a little sloppy, I couldn't help but feelin it. They were enjoying themselves, there was a fresh energy in their vibe. This continued through "Genji Gloves," a Morrisey-inspired romp about "looking for lust." However, it wasn't until their last song that I decided to jot some notes down. They closed the set down with the chilled-out, dreamy "Lesser Masks," and it was here Campagna sang with vulnerability, longing, repeating:

                     "mere kisses in a window pane, writing messages I can't explain"

Maybe it was my mood, but something got through. And if the person carrying that message is wearing a hipstered Jimmy Fallon mask, you know the message has got to be pretty damn spot-on. (I strongly dislike Jimmy Fallon). Anyway check out Jangula's myspace ( for their CMJ shindigs, and for their tracks. Also, big ups to my new friend Chelsea Keys for the lovely photo.

Later in the night saw Wolf Gang at Santos thanks to a Neon Gold party. Great show, don't wanna write about it.

Jangula - Genji Glove

The Ronettes - Be My Baby

Wolf Gang - Lions in Cages

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